Who We Are

We are Puneet and Rohan Agrawal, gemologists by training and tradition. We spent our entire lives looking at gems.

Growing up, we watched our fathers trade gems for a living and now, we’re follow in their footsteps.

Creating ideal Gemstones is what we do, and part of that means exceptional service to match.

Why give to nature

The best gemologist is the one who has seem the most gems. Although we have not seen all of them yet, we each have spent over 20 years observing what makes a gem special.

Our passion and expertise lies in the color and brilliance displayed in our gems. We’re eager to share this with you.

Why “Ag with love”

Silver is a precious metal adored for its affordability and versatility. We wanted to use it as the vessel to share with the world the gems we love.

Traditionally quality gems have been used as centerpieces in expensive jewelry, but we wanted to create elegant products accessible to everyone.

What we do for you

Gem trading runs in our veins. Our families have been this trade since 1944, and since then we’ve established a strong network to source and cut gems.

We use our connections to supply all our gems directly to you with them passing through the hands of middlemen. In addition, we also pass along these savings along to you.