4 Revolutionary Ideas Of The Great Inventor Nikola Tesla Proving He Was Ahead of His Time

aliens Discoveries Mysticism Nikola Tesla

Today’s modern world should be thankful to the famous Nikola Tesla. The inventions of this Serbian-American scientist led to power grids and radios utilized even today. During this entire life, he registered about 300 patents, all under his name, while traces of the inventions he made may be seen in a lot of present-day devices, even in unexpected places like boat toys controlled by remote control, and neon lights in the shape of letters.

However, not every one of its futuristic visions was fruitful. Some of his most ambitious and far-out dreams also went unrealized, like the vision he had about the wireless transmission of energies.

In some other cases, some of his inventions were not that practical, so they could not replace the existing systems, like the bladeless steam turbine, or they were also too dangerous to utilize, like a steam-powered electric generator which was later called “earthquake machine,” right after Tesla claimed that the generator had caused the New York City’s earthquake of 1898.

There were also some other times when his ideas were simply too revolutionary, or even bizarre so that they have been ridiculed by some other scientists. Several theoretical inventions that Tesla made, like the “death ray” weapon and force field, only existed in the science fiction industry.

However, since his death, which happened 71 years ago, some of his ideas came to pass – this “mad scientist” was probably been on to something.

These are the four most bizarre and revolutionary ideas of Tesla which are connected with reality:

1. Live-streamed video.

Tesla probably had a really good grasp about watching live video streaming on present-day smartphones and laptops. In another article from his time, he predicted that with the application of the principles of radio, devices in the future are going to give the people the ability to carry small instruments in the pockets, which will help them in seeing distant events.

This futuristic idea has been described in his interview in which he says:

We shall be able to witness the inauguration of a president, the playing of a World's Series baseball game, the havoc of an earthquake, or a battle just as though we were present.

2. Wireless electricity.

Maybe one of the greatest ambitions which Tesla had was the dream about wirelessly transmitting energy all over long distances, with the use of just the air as the main medium. He has shown that it was quite possible to light up lamps wirelessly, a method which he called inductive coupling; however, he was not successful in the process of building the long-range system in order to start broadcasting energy.

However, now the researchers also developed and refined a few techniques which have probably brought the dream of Tesla several steps closer to becoming a reality.

3. The contact with aliens.

Somewhere in 1899, when Tesla was in Colorado Springs, in the state of Colorado, and when he experimented with wireless telegraphy and high-frequency electricity, he managed to pick up some peculiar radio signals on the instruments he utilized. He thought that these signals have been extraterrestrial in origin.

He said that the changes he noted were happening periodically and also with clear suggestions of numbers and orders which weren’t traceable to some other cause known to him. He was familiar with such disturbances, as they were produced by earth currents and the sun, but in this case, he was entirely sure that they were because of some other causes. He said that he believes he is the first one that heard the greeting of one planet to another.

However, the community of scientists has not believed him; but, later on, it has been suggested that he probably picked up some cosmic radio waves, the phenomenon which was not known during that time.

4. Cell phones.

Somewhere in 1901, at the time when Tesla worked on the creation of trans-Atlantic radios, he proposed a thing which now sounds as the present-day cell phone to J.P. Morgan, which was his funder. His idea was creating the plan for a “World Telegraphy System” which will permit instant communication between people of news to some individual and handheld devices.

He believed that Morgan might make some money with the manufacturing of such receivers which could be utilized by every person, and which could collect voice messages and even music which is played in some distant places. According to this, we can say that the scientist envisioned cell phones, while his prediction has been a harbinger of the consumer culture which characterized this century.

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