News — nature's rhythms

Ready for a Healthful Season and a Joyful New Year?

agni ayurveda chai healing healthy diet kapha kapha season nature nature's rhythms new year season winter

Ready for a Healthful Season and a Joyful New Year?

Winter is characterized by shorter days and lower energy. Nature slows down, plants go dormant and animals go into hibernation. This is the time of year when the natural world begins to retreat . . . and as per the teachings of Ayurveda, we should do the same. After all, we are a reflection of the outside world, right? The cold, dark days of winter represent a time for a much needed restoration. During the holiday season and into the new year, we're more likely to indulge in sweet treats, heavy, warming stews, and nourishing fats. The extra 5 pounds...

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