News — yoga

11 Super Simple Solutions to Reducing Stress

ancienthealth ancienthealthcare ashwagandha ayurveda ayurvedic medicine coconut healing healthcare healthy herbals herbs relieve stress stress stress free stress reduction tea wellness yoga

11 Super Simple Solutions to Reducing Stress

Stress is a natural reaction of the body. But too much stress zaps the joy out of living. Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances. There is a lot of current research about the harmful effects of stress and its increase on the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. While the jury is still out on exactly how stress affects human beings, we can all agree on one thing: stress is not fun. Do you ever feel like stress is wearing you down? In one form or...

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The Yoga-Ayurveda Connection

Ancient health ancient health care ancienthealth ayurveda ayurvedic medicine brain health healing healthcare healthy weight loss wellness yoga

The Yoga-Ayurveda Connection

Yoga has truly taken America by storm. With the amount of yoga studios and teacher trainings, the demand keeps growing. Numbers indicate that north Americans who practice some form of yoga has doubled in the last five years . . . and is now estimated at fifteen million people.   Did you know that three-fourths of fitness clubs offer yoga classes, and yoga was named one of the two fastest-growing segments of the exercise industry by Trendwatch 2000 (an annual report on fitness trends)? While a lot of people (including those running the media) view yoga as a gentler way...

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Incorporate a True Yoga Based Diet into Your Practice

ama ayruvedic diet ayurveda Deepak Chopra dosha Dr. Gokani Dr. Oz Dr. Trupti Gokani vata yoga yoga diet

Incorporate a True Yoga Based Diet into Your Practice

When we think of yoga, we generally envision a room full of multicolored yoga mats and people inverted in downward facing dog pose, but we rarely think of what yogis eat.   Yoga from the ancient Vedas, is translated as "union." It is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" (pronounced "yug"). It means "to join" and also "to control." And yoga has a sister component to it . . . one that goes beyond the way the body bends and discusses the way the body is nourished. The yoga based diet is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the Vedic healing science and is...

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