News — Dr. Gokani

How To Handle Your Ayurvedic Stress Type

ancient health care ayurveda Ayurvedic Stress Type dosha Dr. Gokani Dr. Oz Intense Stressor Restless Stressor Trupti Gokani Withdrawn Stressor

How To Handle Your Ayurvedic Stress Type

In the Western world, we don’t usually dwell on the distinctions between our reactions to stress . . . we tend to focus on the stressful situations we find ourselves in, such as looming work deadlines or a missed train. And the general stress coping solutions are applicable to most everyone . . . such as a hot bath or long walk. But in the 5,000 year old science of Ayurveda, stress reduction hinges on a complex understanding of each person. Take this scenario for example: It’s Monday morning. John, Jane, and Jack walk into their respective workplaces. They each have an...

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Top 10 Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

ancient health care ayurveda constipation dosha Dr. Gokani Dr. Oz Dr. Trupti Gokani lemon water senna

Top 10 Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

Most of us have probably experienced constipation at least once in our lives.   The discomfort, heaviness, and brain fog . . . along with the bloating and gas that often accompany constipation are surefire recipes for a less than optimal day. As if one day isn't bad enough, if you have chronic constipation (and I can certainly empathize) then you really need to start incorporating the tips below, pronto! While we may think constipation is a common ailment not to be taken too seriously, Ayurveda actually places much emphasis on having full, regular unobstructed bowel movements at least once...

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Incorporate a True Yoga Based Diet into Your Practice

ama ayruvedic diet ayurveda Deepak Chopra dosha Dr. Gokani Dr. Oz Dr. Trupti Gokani vata yoga yoga diet

Incorporate a True Yoga Based Diet into Your Practice

When we think of yoga, we generally envision a room full of multicolored yoga mats and people inverted in downward facing dog pose, but we rarely think of what yogis eat.   Yoga from the ancient Vedas, is translated as "union." It is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" (pronounced "yug"). It means "to join" and also "to control." And yoga has a sister component to it . . . one that goes beyond the way the body bends and discusses the way the body is nourished. The yoga based diet is Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the Vedic healing science and is...

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