agni Ancient health ayurvedic medicine detox diet digestion digestive health doshas energy food foods gut health healing healthcare healthy indigestion wellness
When agni is weakened, food components remain undigested and unabsorbed in the colon. They accumulate and create a foul smelling, sticky substance called ama. Ama wreaks havoc on the body as it clogs internal bodily channels. When ama accumulates, the intestinal tract, lymphatic system, arteries, veins and other channels become obstructed and toxins are absorbed into the blood. Toxins created by the presence of ama circulate through the body looking for weak areas to create contraction, clogging, and stagnation. Toxins suppress immune function and perpetuate feeble neighboring organs. Once the toxins have settled in the tissues, disease manifests. It's important to...
agni ayurveda chai healing healthy diet kapha kapha season nature nature's rhythms new year season winter
Winter is characterized by shorter days and lower energy. Nature slows down, plants go dormant and animals go into hibernation. This is the time of year when the natural world begins to retreat . . . and as per the teachings of Ayurveda, we should do the same. After all, we are a reflection of the outside world, right? The cold, dark days of winter represent a time for a much needed restoration. During the holiday season and into the new year, we're more likely to indulge in sweet treats, heavy, warming stews, and nourishing fats. The extra 5 pounds...
agni ama ancienthealthcare ayurvedic medicine detox detoxification diet digestion digestive health disease doshas energy gut health healing health healthcare herbs indigestion inflammation medicine spices supplements triphala weight loss wellness
Ama wreaks havoc on the body. . . as it clogs internal bodily channels. It is formed through poor dietary habits and low digestive fire. Over time, it accumulates in the system and may block the channels of the body, causing a variety of ailments. It may lead to an even more toxic form, which then mixes with the tissues or waste products of the body. . . this can lead to chronic health issues. So what does this have to do with my body? Amazingly, the human body has hundreds of different cell types and almost 75 trillion cells....
agni ama ancient health care ayurveda cleanse Colon Cleanse constipation Deepak Chopra digestive health ginger tea lemon water senna
It is universally known that proper elimination is an important link in the digestive process and is necessary for overall health. This is why it is important to cleanse your system from time to time. Recent craze over the colon cleanse has hit the mainstream. The colon (large intestine) is the final organ through which the food we eat passes. It is very large organ . . . at about five feet in length and frames three sides of the abdominal cavity from beginning to its end at the anus. Though it's large, the colon is quite sensitive . ....