News — ayurvedic medicine

11 Super Simple Solutions to Reducing Stress

ancienthealth ancienthealthcare ashwagandha ayurveda ayurvedic medicine coconut healing healthcare healthy herbals herbs relieve stress stress stress free stress reduction tea wellness yoga

11 Super Simple Solutions to Reducing Stress

Stress is a natural reaction of the body. But too much stress zaps the joy out of living. Stress can be defined as a state of mental or emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances. There is a lot of current research about the harmful effects of stress and its increase on the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. While the jury is still out on exactly how stress affects human beings, we can all agree on one thing: stress is not fun. Do you ever feel like stress is wearing you down? In one form or...

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How to Maintain Your Strong Fire Within {Agni}

agni Ancient health ayurvedic medicine detox diet digestion digestive health doshas energy food foods gut health healing healthcare healthy indigestion wellness

How to Maintain Your Strong Fire Within {Agni}

When agni is weakened, food components remain undigested and unabsorbed in the colon. They accumulate and create a foul smelling, sticky substance called ama. Ama wreaks havoc on the body as it clogs internal bodily channels. When ama accumulates, the intestinal tract, lymphatic system, arteries, veins and other channels become obstructed and toxins are absorbed into the blood. Toxins created by the presence of ama circulate through the body looking for weak areas to create contraction, clogging, and stagnation. Toxins suppress immune function and perpetuate feeble neighboring organs. Once the toxins have settled in the tissues, disease manifests. It's important to...

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Top Ayurvedic Tips for Drinking Milk + a Delicious Date Shake Recipe

ayurveda ayurvedic medicine diet digestion food foods healthcare herbs indigestion milk ojas wellness

Top Ayurvedic Tips for Drinking Milk + a Delicious Date Shake Recipe

It seems now a days, there are a ton of milk replacements and the question boils down to. . . milk or no milk? According to Ayurveda, milk provides special and unique nutrition that cannot be derived from any other type of food. When digested properly, it nourishes all the tissues, promotes balanced emotions, and helps to balance all the doshas. It is one of the most important foods to promote ojas. Ojas is a refined substance the body produces from the most subtle level of proper digestion. Ojas brings strength, strong immunity, happiness, and contentment. And especially of you...

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How to Balace Vata + an Autumnal Stew Recipe

ayurveda ayurvedic medicine cooking diet doshas fall imbalances recipes seasons vata wellness

How to Balace Vata + an Autumnal Stew Recipe

Fall is here along with the cool and crisp air, beautiful colors in the leaves, and a harvest of delicious vegetables. These are all delightful changes the season brings. But along with those changes come the shorter, colder, and drier days of vata season. In Ayurveda, the vata dosha is therefore provoked as autumn progresses. Vata is related to wind, which is the principle of movement and governed by the either/space and air elements. You may have heard the saying, the winds are always changing . . . and just as the wind is subtle and changeable, the energy of vata...

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The Amazing Mung Bean and a Delicious Recipe

ayurveda recipe ayurvedic medicine cooking detox health healthy kichree mung beans protein food spices turmeric weight loss

The Amazing Mung Bean and a Delicious Recipe

The mung bean is regarded as highly nutritious and naturally detoxifies the body in Ayurveda. When cooked as a soup per say, they work by cleansing the liver, gall bladder and vascular system of any ama (undigested toxins). Many detox regimens such as a mung bean kitchari cleanse has you eat only kitchari for a few days in a row for weight loss, as well as letting go of any retained water. It allows you to feel lighter, clearer and much more energized- but you need to have a little willpower initially, though it does tend to get easier day...

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