News — dry skin

Best Remedies For Dry Skin

ayurveda ayurvedic medicine dry skin healing healthcare skin wellness

Best Remedies For Dry Skin

According to Ayurveda, dry skin can be cured by limiting exposure to vata's qualities and increase exposure to those substances and experiences that are the opposite of vata. For example, in late fall and early winter, we should nurture ourselves and our skin with foods and sensations that are warm, stable, heavy, smooth, and grounding.  Ayurveda recognizes three basic energies of life: The first is known as vata; the second, pitta; and the third, kapha. Vata also means wind in Sanskrit, and vata's sensory qualities dryness, coolness, mobility, lightness, unsteadiness, and roughness are much like those of the wind. When vata...

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