News — medicine

Ashwagandha: How the "Smell of a Horse" Can Heal You

ashwagandha ayurvea ayurvedic medicine brain health energizing energy healing health healthcare herb herbs medicine supplements wellness

Ashwagandha: How the "Smell of a Horse" Can Heal You

In Sanskrit, ashwagandha means "the smell of a horse", indicating that the herb holds the strength of a stallion, and has traditionally been prescribed in ancient Ayurveda to help people strengthen their immune system after an illness. The herb, also known as Withania somnifera, is native to the dry regions of India and it actually belongs to the same family as the tomato. Ashwagandha is a plump shrub with oval leaves and yellow flowers. It bears red fruit about the size of a raisin. But actually, it is the root, not the fruit, of the plant that is the prize...

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Ginger: An Ayurvedic Universal Medicine

ayurveda digestion ginger healing health healthcar indigestion medicine spices

Ginger: An Ayurvedic Universal Medicine

Ginger is a digestive friendly wonder spice described as a "universal medicine" by Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners. Ginger a common kitchen spice which we use in almost every spicy dish we make. It gives an excellent spicy nature to any food. But do you know it can used to treat more than 10 common diseases that we see regularly! Ayurveda describes it as an analgesic, carminative, antiemetic, aphrodisiac, aphoristic, digestive, expectorant, and stimulant.  11 health benefits of this ancient spice: 1. Balances the doshas. When taken with rock salt it reduces Vata, with rock candy reduces Pitta and with honey reduces...

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Top 3 Ways to Eliminate Fat with Ayurveda

ancienthealth ancienthealthcare ayurveda cooking diet healing health healthcare indigestion medicine spices weight loss wellness

Top 3 Ways to Eliminate Fat with Ayurveda

The neurologist, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, balances modern life with the ancient knowledge of Ayurveda. Here she explains some ways to fight fat using Ayurvedic medicine. We discovered these tips on the Dr. Oz blog from a few years back. As we age, it can be a challenge to lose excess fat through diet and exercise alone. To eliminate the stubborn fat that holds on, the ancient medical system of India, known as Ayurveda, uses techniques that target the exercise-resistant fat by igniting your digestive fire. This is the biggest difference between Ayurvedic weight loss and other dietary approaches attached to conventional...

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Kitchari: the Best Ayurvedic Detox Food

ama Ancient health ancient health care ayurveda cooking detoxification diet digestion digestive health doshas health healthcare herbs kitchari medicine spices superfood weight loss wellness

Kitchari: the Best Ayurvedic Detox Food

Kitchari is Ayurveda's age-old, signature detox dish. The word "kitchari" (pronounced kitch-a-ree) in India means mixture of two or more grains. In India, this versatile dish is eaten any time of the day, even for breakfast to kick start the day! Traditional kitchari is made by mixing white basmati rice and split yellow mung dal. Did you know that mung beans strip pesticides from the body!? Radical! Why Eat Kitchari? To fuel the digestive fire, a diet of kitchari and ghee is recommended. When we have digestive toxins in our GI tract, our ability to digest well is reduced. In other...

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The Powerful Healing Wonders of Tea and Tisanes

Ancient health ancienthealthcare digestion energizing energy green tea healing healthcare healthy herbs medicine tea wellness

The Powerful Healing Wonders of Tea and Tisanes

Brewing a great cup of tea doesn't take much . . . just good quality tea and filtered water, brewed at the right temperature for the right amount of time. Really, it's simple! And amazing, once you've brewed it the right way; you'll never go back to the bitter, badly flavored tea of your past. So here you go . . . everything you need to know about brewing tea for its optimal flavor and health benefits! Loose Leaf Tea Just like coffee purists proclaim freshly ground coffee to be the best, loose leaf teas really do make a good...

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