For thousands or more years, manuscripts from ancient times were kept as a secret and hidden among other such documents, submitted to the College of Cambridge, which appeared as the primary discovered draft of the Bible of King James – possibly the most extensively literary work in English.
The question about how an ancient civilization, without any help of the modern technology which we have today, moved the 2.5-ton stones that made up their famous pyramids, has long plagued Egyptologists, as well as mechanical engineers alike.
What are the Dead Sea Scrolls And Why Do They Matter? The Dead Sea Scrolls are the world’s oldest known biblical manuscripts. In 1947 scrolls and scroll fragments dating from 150 BC were discovered in a cave by local Bedouin teenagers...
In 1849, Sir Austen Henry Layard, English Archaeologist and global explorer, found himself among the ruins of ancient Bablyon in southern Mesopotamia. It was there he discovered the first pieces of what would...