News — Pre-deluvian

Archaeologists Find Sunken Egyptian City

ABC Africa Alexandria Amun antedeluvian antediluvian Blog catacylsm Discoveries Egypt flood myths Heracleion Heracles Hercules Khemit pharaohs Pre-deluvian Sunken Cities Thonis Younger Dryas Period Zeus

Archaeologists Find Sunken Egyptian City

In an article written by ABC News back in June of 2001, they make mention of an ancient Egyptian city that was discovered 6.5 km off of modern Egypt’s coastline...

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Submerged man-made structures 9,500 years old – Near Dwaraka

Ancient Explorers Ancient Writing antideluvian BBC Blog catacylsm Discoveries Dwaraka flood myths Gulf of Cambay Gulf of Kutch Harappan Civilization India Pre-deluvian Submerged ruins

Submerged man-made structures 9,500 years old – Near Dwaraka

Marine scientists in India say an archaeological site off India’s western coast may be up to 9,000 years old. Lets revisit the original article posted by the BBC on January 16th, 2002...

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