News — eyesight

What Does Ayurveda Recommend For Weak Eyesight?

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What Does Ayurveda Recommend For Weak Eyesight?

Eye problems are on the rise; the National Eye Institute estimates that, between 2010 and 2050, the estimated number of people affected by the most common eye diseases will double. Causes of Weak Eyesight Weak eyesight is generally associated with focusing difficulties (myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism), vision obstruction (cataract), damage to the optical nerve (glaucoma), retinal damage, macular degeneration and other conditions (dry eyes, watery eyes). Aging and excessive strain tend to be the major culprits. Medical conditions like diabetes or eye infections can further accentuate the problem. Genetics also plays a role. Ayurvedic Doshas and Eye Sight Ayurveda places great...

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