News — pitta dosha

The 5 External Elements Within Us

ancient health care ayurveda dosha elements five elements kapha dosha pitta dosha vata dosha

The 5 External Elements Within Us

In the ancient healing science of Ayurveda, the five elements are discussed like philosophical concepts. The elements are the basic principles of the Universe . . . and they represent the primary components of all living things. Imagine a breeze flowing through the trees, the softness of the earth beneath your feet, the vastness of the sky, the feel of water on your skin . . . the warmth of fire. When we look to the beauty of nature, we find that five elements provide a foundation for what we know to exist. Ayurveda recognizes the elements, Space, Air, Fire,...

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Stay Cool this Summer with Ayurveda

ancient health care ancienthealth ayurveda ayurvedic medicine diet digestion doshas energy healing health healthcare indigestion medicine pitta pitta dosha spices summer wellness

Stay Cool this Summer with Ayurveda

According to the seasonal cycles, summer is considered to be Pitta season, where the energetic principles of Fire and Water are strongest. It is during that summer when the Pitta dosha, inherently driven by solar force, is most present, as it is made up of the Fire and Water elements. Time for healthy beverages, sunbathing, and swimming! This combination is really rather complimentary. Pitta exists as water or oil (in the body)—which protects the tissues from the fire aspect. Pitta is the principle of transformation and heat; it is responsible for all chemical and metabolic conversions in the body that create...

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