News — kitchari

Kitchari: the Best Ayurvedic Detox Food

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Kitchari: the Best Ayurvedic Detox Food

Kitchari is Ayurveda's age-old, signature detox dish. The word "kitchari" (pronounced kitch-a-ree) in India means mixture of two or more grains. In India, this versatile dish is eaten any time of the day, even for breakfast to kick start the day! Traditional kitchari is made by mixing white basmati rice and split yellow mung dal. Did you know that mung beans strip pesticides from the body!? Radical! Why Eat Kitchari? To fuel the digestive fire, a diet of kitchari and ghee is recommended. When we have digestive toxins in our GI tract, our ability to digest well is reduced. In other...

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