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Ginger: An Ayurvedic Universal Medicine

ayurveda digestion ginger healing health healthcar indigestion medicine spices

Ginger: An Ayurvedic Universal Medicine

Ginger is a digestive friendly wonder spice described as a "universal medicine" by Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners. Ginger a common kitchen spice which we use in almost every spicy dish we make. It gives an excellent spicy nature to any food. But do you know it can used to treat more than 10 common diseases that we see regularly! Ayurveda describes it as an analgesic, carminative, antiemetic, aphrodisiac, aphoristic, digestive, expectorant, and stimulant.  11 health benefits of this ancient spice: 1. Balances the doshas. When taken with rock salt it reduces Vata, with rock candy reduces Pitta and with honey reduces...

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