City Of The Gods

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City Of The Gods – Teotihuacán

Thirty miles north of Mexico City lay the ruins of an impressive ancient city. Teotihuacán, The City of the Gods, was a carefully planned city once covering eight square miles. At its height, it is believed to have had a population of around 200,000 and was far more advanced than any European city of its time. For centuries, Teotihuacán was the Mesoamerican region’s cultural, religious, political, economic, and social center. The massive temples of the Sun, the Moon, the Citadel, and the various palaces, plazas, and paved streets are said to have been built by a pre-Aymara civilization. Once again, another incredible site, the builders of which are unidentified before one considers the Anunnaki paradigm.

According to archeologists, Teotihuacán was a vibrant metropolis and ceremonial center pre-dating the Aztecs civilization by several centuries. It must have been inhabited by thousands of people, but it is impossible to say who they were or where they came from. It is believed that its decline began suddenly around 650 AD and that by 740 AD it was completely abandoned. But no one knows why.

Though archaeologists have long been fascinated with the site, Teotihuacán’s culture and history are still largely mysterious. The civilization left massive ruins, but no trace has yet been found of a writing system and very little is known for sure about its builders, who were followed first by the Toltecs and then by the Aztecs.

Place of the Gods

The Aztecs did not live in the city, but gave the place and its major structures their current names. They considered it the “Place of the Gods” and believed it was the place where the world had been created.

It is known that ultimately the Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish. What is interesting about this fact is that many archaeologists and anthropologists agree that the Spanish were not necessarily better soldiers than the Aztecs, but that they physically resembled the Aztec’s depictions of their god Quetzalcoatl.

Symbolized as a feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl is also apparently an historical figure of some sort. He supposedly brought culture, mathematics, astronomy, masonry, architecture, agriculture, knowledge of herbal medicine, law, arts, metallurgy and the concept of the calendar to the Aztec people. But he is physically pictured as entirely different form the natives of this region. Rather, he is depicted as light-skinned, with a long nose and beard. The Aztecs believed that he had arrived by a boat from the east and, after imparting his wealth of knowledge, sailed away again with a promise to return one day.

Relevant to our discussion here, why would the Aztecs have created a god-like figure not out of their own image? And where did he come from? Clearly, they had acquired vast knowledge—enough to construct a remarkably advance civilization—from a creature who had come from far away. Further, he looked nothing like them, but was entirely other. When one considers facts like these, it is impossible not to at least consider the possibility of an alien helping hand all those centuries ago.

Turning back to the original inhabitants of Teotihuacán, though, and their remarkable achievements even before the Aztecs came into the picture, we must examine the incredible ruins they left behind.

It is here, at Teotihuacán, that we find even more remarkable pyramids, mirroring those found in Egypt as well as on Mars. There are also a number of palaces and temples adorned with incredible murals and stone carvings—all of which demonstrate a high degree of sophisticated artistry and craftsmanship.

But let’s focus our attention on the remarkable pyramids, since they have such incredible, inexplicable parallels with Egypt and Cydonia. First, there is the Pyramid of the Sun, which is the largest in the Teotihuacán complex. It is the third largest pyramid on earth and it dominates the landscape of these Mesoamerican ruins.

As you can see, the pyramid is stepped rather than smooth-sided—more like the earliest Egyptian Pyramids rather than the later ones. It once stood 210 feet high and 650 feet square. There was a wooden temple perched upon the top of the pyramid, looking out over the vast city below.

Pyramid Similarities Match Giza

It is very interesting to note some of the similarities between The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Considering their vast geographical distance from one another, it is revealing to examine the relationship between the measurements of each one.

First of all, they are nearly equal in their base perimeter measurements. Also, the Pyramid of the Sun is just about exactly half the height of the Great Pyramid. It’s also clear that the ratio of each of their heights to the perimeters of their bases are both based on the mathematical ratio pi. While the base perimeter of the Pyramid of the Sun is 4pi times its height, the Great pyramid of Giza’s base perimeter is 2pi times its height. Obviously, whoever constructed these pyramids had a similar advanced knowledge of geometry and sophisticated mathematics. Each of these builders also applied their knowledge to constructing remarkable similar pyramids—located at a massive distance from one another. It is impossible not to suspect some common factor here, an architect perhaps linking these two radically different civilizations.

There is another remarkable feature of the all the pyramids at Teotihuacán. Many of them contain a very thick layer of mica, which is definitely not to be found in the area. The closest source location for mica is Brazil, in fact—which is more than 2,000 miles away! Mica is a very delicate substance—flakey in texture, almost powdery. Yet massive amounts of it are to be found in the pyramids here, and they could only have been brought in large quantities from this great distance, supposedly in an era pre-dating the use of wheeled vehicles. How could it have traveled so far?

It’s also noteworthy that the mica was used as an inner layer of these pyramids—that is, it is not visible from the outside. Therefore, its application must have been practical rather than aesthetic. Today, we know to use mica as an insulating substance in electronic and electrical devices. Was it being used for the same purpose in these ancient pyramids? If so, how did these mysterious ancients have the knowledge of its insulating powers?

City Built As Ancient Mathematical Grid

Another remarkable thing about Teotihuacán is the layout of the city. It turns out to be a grid, clearly, offset by about 15.5 degrees from the cardinal points. The main avenue, known as the Street of the Dead, runs from 15º.5 east of north to 15º.5 west of south. The Pyramid of the Sun is oriented north of due west by this exact same amount, making it so that this Pyramid faces directly into the point of the setting sun—on August 13th. Because of this last fact, we know that the layout of Teotihuacán being slightly off the cardinal points is not due to a “misalignment” or error in calculations. Clearly, it is laid out very deliberately.

The layout of the city suggests that it was done with an advanced knowledge of astronomy. The Pyramid of the Moon is located at one end of the Street of the Dead, and is aligned with the Pyramid of the Sun so carefully that it creates a sight line across the two, marking the meridian. This would have allowed the ancient people who built these structures to have fixed the times of noon and midnight with perfect precision.

There are many remarkable facts about this ancient city that indicate advanced mathematics and astronomy. It is difficult to imagine that many of the particulars of its construction were achieved with only observational, “naked-eye” astronomy, as it is supposed these people would have had. Is it possible, then, that they had more technology—more assistance—than we usually suppose? The precise design of the entire city and its pyramids certainly leads us to this conclusion.

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