Nahualism: The Ancient Knowledge About The Power Of Dreams

ancient Ancient Explorers Discovery Dreams

What nahualism practitioners do? They need to start with training their perceptions and dreams.

One important thing to mention is that you can’t call yourself a nahual until you were practicing these techniques for more than 52 years. And, only after that time, you will be a mexicatzin, the venerable Mexihca, wise woman or man.

From an energetic point of view, the explanation about nahualism is quite simple. When you got to bed, the nahual and tonal come together, and they form an authentic energy body. When that body is created, you reach a state which is called temixoch in Náhuatl, and it is a lucid, blossom dream, which is controlled by your will.

You can even attain the state while you are awake, if you alert your state of awareness, bringing the nahual and tonal together in dreaming which you are awake, or also called daydreaming. This will allow you to see another reality – ancestors, energy, guides, the future, and the underworld – on obsidian mirrors or other people’s face, or even somewhere else.

Long after achieving it and become your own master, you are going to have the ability to go to the following step, which is entering a collective dream, other people’s dreams, and influencing reality. During this stage, you will develop some other skills too: repeating the identical dream when you want, prophetic dreaming, sowing dreams which creates your waking state, and so on.

Oral tradition is different from academic knowledge. For instance, according to the claims of the official history, Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan has been built somewhere between the 1300s and 1400s by the Mexihcas; however, according to the oral tradition, the temple was before that occupied by nineteen other groups.

Then, the Mexihcas had completed the sacred count of 20 when the Spaniards destroyed the temple. This means that this temple was older than some official history statements tell us.

The same is with nahualism, which is barely even mentioned in official historical evidence, which means information related to it come from the oral tradition. According to it, some of the primary dreamers appeared about 50,000 years ago in Teotihuacan, and others called them the people of the moon’s halo.

With the years passing, an additional knowledge about dreams emerged; however, they have been primarily divided into two distinct groups also trying to find one thing in distinct ways.

The heirs of the primary group are the lineages of the knowledge of the Moon or Mexihcas. In Náhuatl, however, they call the Moon metztli or metl. Then, mescal, which means “the one coming from the Moon” is strong liquor which is extracted from the plant maguey, and it alerted perception.

Some sacred plants like peyote have been named mescal too, and people considered them the supreme ally for changing awareness. This can be accomplished with the acceleration of naturally daily shifts in your energy, making it quite possible for the nahual and tonal to come together. This will allow you to perceive some other realities, which we already mentioned.

Almost all of us around the world experienced such changes in awareness, either with plants or alcohol. The agreement which human and energy beings made was that human beings could make alcoholic drinks using plants, but just two portions and nothing more, otherwise the Moon is going to lead all of them from feeling happy to destruction.

Because of this particular fact, all of the lineages of the Moon started training with the allies which could also be taken in alcoholic form or plant form and so on. After that, it continued with some more severe training of body and breath, together with other disciplines which permitted them to repeat when they want what they have experienced through using their allies.

One ancient culture which appeared after the lineages of the Moon has been the Toltec one, around 1000 AD. Toltec actually means “those that are conscious of the cosmos’s movement.’

The second group of dreamers emerged from this civilization, creating dances, or breathing exercises, or even bodily positions which were based on the cosmic mathematics that altered the awareness similarly as the allies, even though this was not happening immediately like with allies. However, one advantage that it had had the ability to exercise it at will.

The Toltec zone’s closest groups stated that the Tol was actually the measure of the 365 days, forming one year. But, as cosmic mathematics was based on the four movements, it means that Tol’s four movements are going to give us 1,460 days. You will be able to take the Tol in the knowledge lineages after you complete four cycles, which is 1,460 years.

Who has the ability and permission to practice these particular techniques? Being Mexihca doesn’t mean that a person is born in Mexico. It also doesn’t mean that he or she accepted the dreams and Moon’s influence and that they are disciplined in taking control of them. Today, there are many Mexihcas that weren’t born in Mexico, but modify their nahual in order to change the tonal, and be called Toltecs or Mexihcas. Nowadays, there are practitioners all over the world.

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