This powerful daily detox tea is often nicknamed CCF tea because of it's easy key 3 ingredients. Cumin, Coriander and Fennel. Yup, that's it. This tea is one of the simplest and highly effective formulas for detoxification, weight loss, and burning up that excess of spring moisture. It is revitalizing yet mild and truly gets right to the point: it helps to warm up your circulation and clear out water retention. Because of this flushing action, it simultaneously cleanses the urinary tract and reduces water weight. It is really great for the current season, as well. The wetness around springtime, (April showers for those May flowers), can also manifest in your body. This causes runny nose, digestive mucus, even swelling in some people.
CCF tea lights the digestive fire, so increases metabolism, therefore restoring vitality from that residual winter sluggishness. The tea has a mild bitterness which speeds up the spring detoxification process and purifies the blood, allowing for restoration of swollen spring tissues. It is a soothing formula that reduces agitation, restores a calm clarity and gives spaciousness to a tense mind.
Here is how to make this amazing tea yourself: Take equal parts of dry cumin seeds, coriander seeds and fennel seeds and place 1 teaspoon of it in a tea ball in your favorite mug. Pour boiling water over the tea and let steep for 3-4 minutes. Drink with every meal for at least two weeks.
And since CCF tea is a diuretic, so do not drink it right before bedtime, otherwise you will have to wake up to urinate! Plus dry vata individuals should limit intake.