The Astrogenetic Model

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In 1979 British astronomer Professor Iain Nicolson discovered that bombardment of the Van Allen radiation belts (which encircle the earth) by the solar wind causes changes in the earth’s magnetic field.

The astrogenetic model suggests that personality is genetically determined at the moment of conception. Twelve types of personality result from twelve types of solar radiation. Astrogenetics also shows that the position of the planets, at conception and birth, can affect both the moment of birth and the moment of labour in pregnant females and modify the development of personality.

How the Sun controls Fertility; The Solar Hormone Theory

In 1987 Dr Ross Aidey, White House Chief of Staff for the Reagan administration, published a scientific paper (Cell membranes, Electromagnetic Fields and Intercellular Communication) announcing ‘…about 20 per cent of pineal cells in pigeons, guinea-pigs and rats respond to changes in both direction and intensity of the earth’s magnetic field…causing variation in the petite hormone melatonin, which powerfully influences circadian rhythms…’

The biological rhythm cycle had already been determined by others as lasting 28 days in humans, which corresponds exactly with the sun’s 28-day period of rotation, as seen from earth. It became clear that the sun’s radiation not only determined personality but controlled behavior of the human organism after moment of birth; the sun’s radiation converted by the Van Allen belts into modulating magnetic fields, which affects the endocrine system directly, causing the pineal gland to regulate the production of the timing-hormone melatonin throughout the 28-day period.

The sun’s radiation affects the hypothalamus and pineal gland in humans and in so doing regulates fertility hormones.

In summary, the sun’s radiation is converted to magnetic modulations by the Van Allen belts. These then act on the hypothalamus and pineal glands which, in line with Ross Aidey’s experiments on rats, pigeons and guinea-pigs, convert the magnetic modulations into chemical variations in the endocrine system.

The expression ‘electrochemical transduction’ denotes this magnetic-to-chemical conversion process. Hence the 28-day solar cycle regulates menstruation and fertility in females. This is why ancient sun-worshipping civilizations like the Maya and Egyptians worshipped the sun as the god of fertility.

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