Unearthed: A Friars’ Leather Shop

Ancient Explorers Archaeology ArcheoGeology Artifacts Blog Dig UK England Discoveries Greyfriars Oxford England Science Uncategorized


 Greyfriars excavation, Oxford, England  (Courtesy Oxford Archaeology) 

An excavation in Oxford, England, conducted by Oxford Archaeology in advance of the expansion of a shopping center, has turned up a large number of leather and wood objects dating to the fourteenth century, when the site was occupied by buildings associated with the Greyfriars religious order. The artifacts were unusually well preserved because they were buried beneath the water table. Among the finds are around 100 leather shoes, a leather bag, a leather money purse, and a wooden bowl.




“Somebody seems to have been saving up worn-out shoes,” says Ben Ford, the excavation’s project manager. “Maybe it was a cobbler working at the friary.”*



Credit:  Written By Daniel Weiss  Contributor – Archaeology Magazine

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