If you’ve ever seen a pyramid in real life, you know what I’m talking about when I say that they look like they’re…out of this world. Well…what if they are?...
In 1996, I was attending college in San Diego, California. One day, someone tangentially mentioned to me that there were a “face” and “pyramids” on the surface of Mars...
You can probably recall the lies your teacher told you pretty well, when you asked, “So where did humans come from?” If you went to a religious school, you may have heard the theory of the man in the sky...
An Ancient Look at the Future By: Walter Cruttenden The Greek historian Hesiod spoke of the wonderful nature of the last golden age, when “peace and plenty” abounded, and Hopi myths tell us of cities at the bottom of the sea...
By: Walter Cruttenden Ancient cultures around the world spoke of a vast cycle of time with alternating Dark and Golden Ages; Plato called it the Great Year...