News — Discoveries

DNA test results confirmed: Paracas skulls are not human – Further testing planned

Ancient Aliens Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries

Who were these mysterious beings? Did they evolve separately on Earth?What caused them to have such drastic differences from ordinary humans? Photo Credits: Marcia K. Moore The desert peninsula of Paracas is located on the southern coast of one of South America’s most enigmatic countries: Peru. It is there, in this barren landscape where […]

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Vitrified wall at Ste-Suzanne (Mayenne) in Scotland: The hill fort – Top O Noth, Aberdeenshire mystery

Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries Fossils

The hill fort ‘Tap O Noth’ lies on a hill top in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Along the fort is a vitrified wall, a wall heated to such an intensity, for a period of time, that it becomes like glass. Among artifacts found at the fort are a stone axe, dated to somewhere between 2,000 BC and […]

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Ancient Device for Determining Taxes Discovered in Egypt

Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries Uncategorized

The nilometer was used to predict harvest (and taxes) linked to the rise and fall of the Nile River Stone steps uncovered at the ancient port city of Thmuis are part of a nilometer, a structure used in antiquity to monitor the level of the Nile River. American and Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a rare […]

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Update: New Finding Adds to the Mystery of this Ancient Astronomical Computer

Ancient Computer Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries Discovery Uncategorized

May 23, 2016 The mechanism was discovered in 1901 in an ancient shipwreck near Crete. Its origins still remain a mystery, but it is believed that it could serve as an astronomical calculator.The complex clock-like mechanism consisting of 37 bronze gears was most likely used to track planetary positions and accurately predict lunar and solar […]

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3,700-year-old Egyptian scarab seal found by Israeli birdwatcher!

ancient Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries Scarab Seal Tel Dor

The seal, found near the Tel Dor archeological site near Mount Carmel, belonged to a senior Egyptian official of the Thirteenth Pharaonic dynasty dating as far back as the 18th century BCE. An Israeli amateur birdwatcher accidentally discovered an ancient scarab seal belonging to a senior Egyptian official of the Thirteenth Pharaonic dynasty dating as […]

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