News — indigestion

Ayurveda and Digestion: Resolve 5 Common Gut Health Issues

Ancient health ayurveda constipation digestion doshas energy gut health healing health healthcare healthy heartburn herbs indigestion medicine spices supplements weight loss wellness

Ayurveda and Digestion: Resolve 5 Common Gut Health Issues

In an article by Shrankhla Holecek via mbg, we found the suggestions for healthy digestion to be really beneficial, so we wanted to share them with you here. We included a few of our own time-tested Ayurvedic methods as well. Below are five of the all-too-common issues with digestion and how to deal with them using the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and yoga. Gut health is the very foundation of optimal digestion, skin health, and overall well-being according to Ayurveda (and from personal experience). 1. Heartburn Not fun. Heartburn is a pitta-imbalance condition that can be avoided by practicing a pitta-pacifying...

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Stay Cool this Summer with Ayurveda

ancient health care ancienthealth ayurveda ayurvedic medicine diet digestion doshas energy healing health healthcare indigestion medicine pitta pitta dosha spices summer wellness

Stay Cool this Summer with Ayurveda

According to the seasonal cycles, summer is considered to be Pitta season, where the energetic principles of Fire and Water are strongest. It is during that summer when the Pitta dosha, inherently driven by solar force, is most present, as it is made up of the Fire and Water elements. Time for healthy beverages, sunbathing, and swimming! This combination is really rather complimentary. Pitta exists as water or oil (in the body)—which protects the tissues from the fire aspect. Pitta is the principle of transformation and heat; it is responsible for all chemical and metabolic conversions in the body that create...

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3 Best Tested Super Herbs to Improve Your Overall Health

ayurvedic medicine cooking diet digestion gut health health healthcare herbs indigestion medicine spices supplements well-being wellness

3 Best Tested Super Herbs to Improve Your Overall Health

There are powerful, ancient herbs and spices used in Ayurvedic medicine for ultimate health and overall well-being. Today's modern world doesn't exactly help us stay free of toxins. We may start off with the best of intentions to eat well, exercise, and detox. But life gets in the way. We don't always have time to prepare all the nutritious foods we need. The toxic, polluted world weave created places a burden on our systems that we were never designed to cope with. We have to get rid of all the preservative, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms in our bodies, before...

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Easy Ways to Detox in a Toxic World

Ancient health ancienthealth ancienthealthcare ayurveda ayurvedic medicine brain health detox diet digestion gut health healing indigestion inflammation liver medicine spices supplements turmeric weight loss wellness

Easy Ways to Detox in a Toxic World

In daily life, we rarely ever stop to think of our organs, especially the liver. It's good to be reminded every now and again.    Your liver works extremely hard to keep you healthy. We live in a polluted world, with pesticides, chemicals, and artificial ingredients in our food, water, and air - just about everything we encounter in our modern lives. Your precious liver is one of the most important organs for detoxification. It cleans and filters blood, working hard to remove toxic matter such as dead cells, microorganisms, metabolic waste, chemicals, drugs, and debris from the blood, so these substances...

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How to Detox for Life: 8 Ways to Remove Ama

agni ama ancienthealthcare ayurvedic medicine detox detoxification diet digestion digestive health disease doshas energy gut health healing health healthcare herbs indigestion inflammation medicine spices supplements triphala weight loss wellness

How to Detox for Life: 8 Ways to Remove Ama

Ama wreaks havoc on the body. . .  as it clogs internal bodily channels. It is formed through poor dietary habits and low digestive fire. Over time, it accumulates in the system and may block the channels of the body, causing a variety of ailments. It may lead to an even more toxic form, which then mixes with the tissues or waste products of the body. . . this can lead to chronic health issues. So what does this have to do with my body? Amazingly, the human body has hundreds of different cell types and almost 75 trillion cells....

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