News — supplements

Turmeric: Not Just for Your Curry Tonight

ayurveda cooking diet healing health healthcare healthy herbs medicine spices supplements turmeric wellness

Turmeric: Not Just for Your Curry Tonight

As you may have heard . . . curcumin is the magical substance, which gives turmeric its golden color that will most definitely stain your favorite white shirt if you spill. Curcumin is responsible for turmeric's many health benefits. While turmeric is an important staple spice in many Indian dishes, it's got more to do with health than just to enhance your curry. We're really impressed with this ancient herb, and we would like to share some things we find most interesting with you. Curcumin has been well-studied over the past decades. It works as a powerful antioxidant and has...

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7 Simple Ayurvedic Tips to Reduce Inflammation

Ancient health ancient health care cooking diet digestion energy healthcare inflammation spices supplements turmeric weight loss wellness

7 Simple Ayurvedic Tips to Reduce Inflammation

Here are some tips to reduce inflammation in the body:   1. Breathe Boost your body's parasympathetic activity. Learn to rest, breathe, and digest. When you identify the fight or flight response, and put it in its place, you give your body the chance to return to safety after an inflammation response. Practice pranayama, establish a regular asana practice, allow for rest. Remind the body that the fire is necessary, but it must know its limit. When we allow it to run wild, it becomes destructive to healthy tissue which can lead to autoimmune disorders. 2. Meditate Meditation is the...

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Let's Talk Inflammation

ancienthealthcare ayurveda ayurvedic medicine digestion energy healthcare herbs inflammation pain supplements turmeric wellness

Let's Talk Inflammation

The four fundamental signs of inflammation: pain, swelling, redness, and heat Sound familiar? At some point or another you've probably experienced all of these symptoms. A sprained ankle, a bug bite, some poison ivy. Inflammation is the body's protective mechanism, it is our natural defense system. When it senses foreign invaders, like a splinter or indigestible food, it sets off a cascade of events in attempt to protect you. It is one of our main mechanisms for removing metabolic wastes, debris, damaged cells and foreign agents. It allows our system to ward off bacteria, fungi and viruses. Acute inflammation is...

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Ultimate Guide to Breakthrough Brain Health (Follow These 6 Simple Steps)

Ancient health ancient health care ashwagandha ayurveda ayurvedic medicine ginger healing healthcare herbs spices supplements triphala wellness

Ultimate Guide to Breakthrough Brain Health (Follow These 6 Simple Steps)

Here are some crucial brain health guidelines to incorporate into your daily routine. 1. Balance brain patterns through meditation. Through examination of brain wave activity in EEG's, we observe brain waves that are irregularly too high or too low suggest problems with the cerebral cortical functions. During meditation, gamma brain waves, which are associated with high levels of cognitive functioning, peak concentration and feelings of bliss.   2. The nose is the door to the brain. Alternate nostril breathing works on the frontal lobe; it balances the left and right hemispheres, improves capillary circulation and gives an alert and attentive...

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3 Best Tested Super Herbs to Improve Your Overall Health

ayurvedic medicine cooking diet digestion gut health health healthcare herbs indigestion medicine spices supplements well-being wellness

3 Best Tested Super Herbs to Improve Your Overall Health

There are powerful, ancient herbs and spices used in Ayurvedic medicine for ultimate health and overall well-being. Today's modern world doesn't exactly help us stay free of toxins. We may start off with the best of intentions to eat well, exercise, and detox. But life gets in the way. We don't always have time to prepare all the nutritious foods we need. The toxic, polluted world weave created places a burden on our systems that we were never designed to cope with. We have to get rid of all the preservative, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms in our bodies, before...

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