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Search for Another King Under a Parking Lot Begins

Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries grave King radar reading abbey Science Uncategorized

<Historical texts indicate that after his death in 1135, King Henry I was interred in front of the high altar of Reading Abbey (shown here).   Photo Credit: Neil Thompson, Flickr Nearly four years after the body of King Richard III was discovered under a parking lot, a new search is on for an English monarch […]

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‘Wand’ discovered in cave is found to be 6,000 years old!

ancient Ancient Explorers artifact Blog Discoveries Science Uncategorized wand

The lead object was the first of its kind found in the Eastern Mediterranean region. A nondescript cave in Israel was the location of a major discovery recently: a lead and wood artifact believed to be the earliest example of smelted lead in the Eastern Mediterranean region. The object, which looks like a wand or […]

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Ancient Shrine That May Hold Buddha’s Skull Bone Found in Crypt

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A skull bone of the Buddha was found inside this gold casket, which was stored in a silver casket within the stupa model, found in a crypt beneath a Buddhist temple.    Credit: Photo courtesy of Chinese Cultural Relics Archaeologists have discovered what may be a skull bone from the revered Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. The bone […]

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Archaeologists Are Spotting Ancient Ruins in Cold War Spy Photos

Ancient Explorers Blog Cold War Artifacts Discovery Discoveries Science Uncategorized

Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1966 film Blow-Up features a wayward London fashion photographer called Thomas who unwittingly documents a murder. Hidden in the blurred background of one of his most recent photographs is a detail so obscured by shadows and foliage that, at first, Thomas does not even see it. Only after he repeatedly blows up the […]

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Did Ancient Earth Have More Than Two Magnetic Poles?

Ancient Explorers Blog Discoveries Energy Field Magnetic Poles Earth Science Uncategorized

Earth’s magnetic field is more complicated than we thought! Most of us don’t often think about Earth’s magnetic field, but without it, humans and most other life would be unable to exist. Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from harsh radiation blasted out of the sun. It’s essential to everything we think of as life on […]

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