News — Science

Scientists Discover Two Giant Structures Deep Below the Earth’s Surface

Discoveries Earth Mysticism Planet Science

Scientists Discover Two Giant Structures Deep Below the Earth’s Surface

Scientists ponder on the meaning of these mysteries. Where did they come from? What are they made of?

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The Globe VS Flat Earth: A Ph.D. Student has Presented a Thesis Claiming the Earth is FLAT

Earth Flat Earth Science Universe

The Globe VS Flat Earth: A Ph.D. Student has Presented a Thesis Claiming the Earth is FLAT

Although there are numerous images of the Earth, as well as countless videos that were recorded from space, there are some people who still argue that our planet is flat.

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A Computer Model Predicts that Civilization would Collapse by 2040

Discoveries Science technology

A Computer Model Predicts that Civilization would Collapse by 2040

In the early 1970s, a computer program which was called World1 has predicted that the Earth would run out of food and resources and that the civilization will collapse by 2040.

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Our Universe Should Not Exist, Scientists Say

Discoveries Mysticism Science Universe

Our Universe Should Not Exist, Scientists Say

CERN Research Finds “The Universe Should Not Actually Exist”. According to our understanding of physics, the universe doesn't make sense.

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Fascinating Discovery: A Man Has Found Scores of Stones which Luminesce After a Light is Shined on Them

Discoveries Discovery Mysticism Science

Fascinating Discovery: A Man Has Found Scores of Stones which Luminesce After a Light is Shined on Them

Gem and mineral expert Erik Rintamaki made a life-changing discovery. The rocks, which he called“Yooperlites,” emit a weird glow, seeming to be partially molten rock.

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